Galaxy is an open-source platform for FAIR data analysis that enables users to:

  • use tools from various domains (that can be plugged into workflows) through its graphical web interface.
  • run code in interactive environments (RStudio, Jupyter...) along with other tools or workflows.
  • manage data by sharing and publishing results, workflows, and visualizations.
  • ensure reproducibility by capturing the necessary information to repeat and understand data analyses.

The Galaxy Community is actively involved in helping the ecosystem improve and sharing scientific discoveries.


SPOC HDR UK ELIXIR-UK CoFest 2025: How did it go?

We held our second 🖖🏾SPOC CoFest, in the great tradition of the excellent CoFests organised in the GTN that welcomed @gtn:nomadscientist and many others into the community.

CellxGene-VIP scRNA-seq, spatial transcriptomics, and multiome data visualization

CELLxGENE-VIP is a frontend plugin of CELLxGENE, enabling users to generate multiple QC plots in high-resolution SVG or PNG format. It can also visualize spatial transcriptomics and 10X multiome.

Galaxy Release 24.2

Check out the newest features and updates on Galaxy!

GBCC2025 Logo Contest Winner

The winner of the GBCC2025 Logo Contest is here!


Feb 27Research Data Management with RSpace and Galaxy - Talk and Q&A

Discover how RSpace's open-source solutions promote innovation and collaboration in research data management (RDM).

Mar 10 - Mar 14Workshop on high-throughput sequencing data analysis with Galaxy

This course introduces scientists to the data analysis platform Galaxy. The course is a beginner course; there is no requirement of any programming skills.

Mar 12 - Mar 14E-Science-Tage 2025

The E-Science-Tage is an interdisciplinary conference series on research data management and open science. The Freiburg Galaxy team will present a poster on Galaxy's applicability in the humanities and offer a workshop.