Galaxy Project Grant Support
Dear Galaxy users, developers, and friends of the project,

The Galaxy project has been generously supported in the past by the National Human Genome Research Institute and the National Science Foundation. The time has come once again for us to seek continued funding for the core Galaxy development team, and we would like to ask for your help.
If you have found Galaxy to be useful, we would like to ask you to write a short letter of support. We will use this letter as a supplement to the grant renewal application we will soon be submitting.
Whether you are using the Galaxy web service, a local Galaxy installation, Galaxy on the cloud, or building your own applications on the Galaxy Platform, we hope to hear from you. All you need to do is:
- Send an email to
- Write 2-3 sentences expressing your support for the project, and explaining how you use Galaxy and how it has helped you with your work.
- Include your name and institution.
Any other information you want to provide would be helpful. Not only will this show support for our continued funding, it will help us understand more about how you are using Galaxy.
Many thanks,
James Taylor and Anton Nekrutenko, on behalf of the Galaxy Team