
eosc | EuroScienceGateway

Project Summary

In the past decade, many scientific domains have been transformed into data-driven disciplines relying on the exchange and integration of internationally distributed data. Exploiting this data is still a laborious and largely manual task, prone to losses and errors, and increasingly specialized beyond most users technical capabilities. FAIR practices are encouraged but their adoption curve is steep. The needs for compute and data resources, tools, and application platforms are often domain-specific.

Many scientists struggle to navigate this intricate ecosystem. Generally, researchers do not possess the computing skills to effectively use the HPC or Cloud platforms they need. Thus, new approaches are needed to enable all researchers, with widely ranging digital skills, to efficiently use the diverse computational infrastructures available across Europe, for asynchronous and for interactive applications.

EuroScienceGateway will leverage a distributed computing network across 13 European countries, accessible via 6 national, user-friendly web portals, facilitating access to compute and storage infrastructures across Europe as well as to data, tools, workflows and services that can be customized to suit researchers’ needs. At the heart of the proposal workflows will integrate with the EOSC-Core. Adoption, development and implementation of technologies to interoperate across services, will allow researchers to produce high-quality FAIR data, available to all in EOSC. Communities across disciplines -- Life Sciences, Climate and Biodiversity, Astrophysics, Materials science -- will demonstrate the bridge from EOSC's technical services to scientific analysis.

EuroScienceGateway will deliver a robust, scalable, seamlessly integrated open infrastructure for data-driven research, contributing an innovative and customizable service for EOSC that enables operational open and FAIR data and data processing, empowering European researchers to embrace the new digital age of science.


Objective 1

Accessible e-Infrastructure resources for European scientists to enable pioneering data-driven research across scientific domains.

Objective 2

Support the varieties of analysis types and diverse usage patterns through efficient and smart job distribution to appropriate and sustainable infrastructures.

Objective 3

The application of FAIR principles to workflows and adoption of FAIR Digital Objects to stimulate reusable and reproducible research and enable the EOSC Interoperability Framework.

Objective 4

Adoption of the EuroScienceGateway by researchers in diverse scientific disciplines.

Projects Part of ESG

Work Packages

Expected Results

Pulsar Network

A mature and tested (TRL-9) distributed compute network with demonstrated usage across at least 12 European partners.


6 national Galaxy instances operational and proven by the scientific community with more than 100,000 users.


Science Gateway with a custom set of tools and workflows for the Biodiversity/Climate, Materials Science and Astrophysics community.

FAIR data

EOSC-catalogued FAIR data and workflows that can be found, consumed, created and published by users of the EuroScienceGateway, demonstrated for each of the 3 domain-specific use-cases.

Target Groups

European Scientists (direct): Access to tools, workflows, storage and compute resources will enable breakthrough research across disciplines.

Users of public data (direct): This project will facilitate making high quality, validated FAIR data and workflows, which is crucial for re-use by the scientific community.

EOSC (direct): EuroScienceGateway will contribute to the adoption of e.g. e-Infrastructures and FAIR publishing services of EOSC across domains, lowering the barrier for cross-disciplinary research. This project will increase the use and adoption of EOSC endorsed principles, standards and technologies, as defined by the research infrastructures and various EOSC-related projects.

Education system (indirect): The open and accessible EuroScienceGateway can be used to train and educate students and citizens. The ecosystem provides both specific tools and resources for training, as well as the ability to use the exact same system to perform research at scale.

European funding agencies (indirect): Computing resources are used more efficiently, duplication of effort to port existing methodologies due to infrastructure limitations will be avoided and re-use of resources and technologies across scientific domains will be stimulated.


Communities: Onboarding of new scientific communities in the EuroScienceGateway ecosystem, demonstrated by new users and increased usage per user, and contribution of new tools, workflows and resources to the EuroScienceGateway. Inclusion of the established network in proposals for innovative research projects of multiple disciplines as well as EOSC-related infrastructure oriented and trans-national access to research infrastructure projects.

Scientific: Transform the way scientists create, share and exploit data and metadata (like workflows) resulting in higher quality research and more innovation.

Resource providers: Implementation of the middleware developed in this project by resource providers not part of the consortium.

Global: Alignment with similar American and Asia-Pacific initiatives. Building a global network of shared resources for all scientists.


Scientific: The EuroScienceGateway is envisioned as an enabler of breakthrough scientific discoveries in various scientific fields.

EOSC: Increased visibility of the European Science Cloud to end-users.

Economic/Technological: Adoption and efficient usage of resources provided by the e-Infrastructures. Scaling of data analyses will be facilitated e.g. by eliminating the steep learning curve to use new computational infrastructure unfamiliar to the researchers.

Societal: Raised awareness of public academic resources/clouds and contribute to the practical implementation of FAIR principles for data, software and workflows.


EGI Check-in now available as login option in

EuroScienceGateway project enables EGI users in

All GTN training data in one basket

Providing effortless access to GTN training data via Onedata

EuroScienceGateway project: Easy deployment of ARC endpoints with Infrastructure Manager

Deploy ARC endpoints in the EGI Federated Cloud easily with Infrastructure Manager

Using the Galaxy Platform in Large Scale Experiments

The EuroScienceGateway team, working in the UK to develop Galaxy tools for materials science, gave one of the latest webinars of the Physical Sciences Data Infrastructure (PSDI) project.

Initial EuroScienceGateway workflows published in WorkflowHub

Workflows covering astronomy, biodiversity, earth science and genomics published in WorkflowHub together with onboarding guide

The start of OSCARS - an EOSC project

Galaxy Europe being part of the new 'Open Science Clusters' Action for Research & Society' (OSCARS)

More News


Jul 19Ask Us Anything about Galaxy live webinar

The European Galaxy Team offers a Q&A session for all users

Jul 22 - Jul 26Workshop on high-throughput sequencing data analysis with Galaxy

This course introduces scientists to the data analysis platform Galaxy. The course is a beginner course; there is no requirement of any programming skills.

Sep 10 - Sep 13A practical introduction to bioinformatics and RNA-seq using Galaxy

Ready to explore the fascinating world of RNA-seq data analysis using Galaxy? Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Visit our event webpage now to discover the program details, meet the organising team, and submit your application.

Oct 8 - Oct 10Gateways 2024

Help bridge the connection between science and gateways, such as Galaxy.

More Events

Project Partners

Logo of VIB
Logo of The University of Manchester
Logo of University Paris
Logo of Universita Degli Studi Frienze
Logo of UK Research and Innovation
Logo of Universitat de Barcelona
Logo of University of Oslo
Logo of AGH University of Science and Technology
Logo of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Logo of EPFL
Logo of cnrs
Logo of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Logo of cesnet
Logo of Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Logo of Institute of Informatics - SAS
Logo of Advanced computing for research
Logo of ACK Cyfronet AGH

EuroScienceGateway was funded by the European Union programme Horizon Europe (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-04) under grant agreement number 101057388 and by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee grant number 10038963.