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Galaxy talks at NeIC 2024

Two talks about Galaxy, Meta-scheduling and the GTN at the NeIC 2024 - Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration Conference (Nordic e-Infrastructure Tomorrow)

We are happy to have had the opportunity to present Galaxy and the Galaxy training network at the NeIC 2024 - Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration Conference "Nordic e-Infrastructure Tomorrow".

During the Federated Resource Management Science Session, Sanjay delivered a talk on Meta-scheduling with Galaxy’s Total Perspective Vortex (TPV). Check out the presentation here. The talk provided an excellent platform to introduce Galaxy, showcase what Galaxy EU offers, and show how Galaxy EU efficiently routes millions of jobs, handles the computational requirements of thousands of tools, and seamlessly caters to thousands of users using TPV. The session also served as an opportunity to discuss the ongoing efforts in developing a TPV meta-scheduler API that harnesses the power of data provenance and locality to ensure compute jobs are processed where the data resides, reducing latency and boosting efficiency, automatically directs jobs to the best available compute resources, balancing load and maximizing performance seamlessly, and dynamically optimizes job placement for faster, smarter data processing.

Teresa presented the Galaxy Training Network (GTN) during the Competence Building and Collaboration Environments in e-Infrastructure Science Session. Check out the talk here. This was a fantastic opportunity to discuss the extensive opportunities GTN provides and to announce the latest integration of a dedicated event page. If you are interested, see Saskias and Helenas news for the latest implementation.

We were pleased to learn about other training initiatives, leadership, and management strategies, as well as the infrastructure support the Nordic countries provide to their HPC users.

We would like to extend a huge thank you to Abdulrahman Azab and all other organizers of the conference.