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Talk by Alan Rubin in Freiburg

Bioinformatics club talk by Alan Rubin: Analyzing and Sharing Data from High-throughput Mutagenesis Experiments

Modern functional genomics techniques, like deep mutational scanning (DMS), have revolutionized genetic research, enabling scientists to evaluate the impact of thousands of genetic variants simultaneously. Alan Rubin, from Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne, Australia, visited Freiburg Galaxy on 18.04.2024 and shared insights into these cutting-edge methods in a talk Analyzing and Sharing Data from High-throughput Mutagenesis Experiments given within Bioinformatics club.

Alan Rubin delved into Multiplexed Assays of Variant Effect (MAVEs), highlighted the challenges and opportunities they present for bioinformaticians and computational biologists.

A significant aspect of Alan's discussion was the development of analysis methods and software tailored for MAVE data. He emphasized the importance of these tools in deciphering the wealth of information generated by these experiments.

Moreover, Alan shed light on MaveDB, a vital resource for the scientific community. This community-driven database provides access to hundreds of datasets spanning diverse genes and experimental systems, facilitating collaboration and data sharing.

In summary, the talk underscored the transformative potential of MAVE techniques in advancing our understanding of genetics and their applications in diverse fields, from basic research to clinical practice.