Galaxy publication library moves to Zotero
4956 pubs and counting

After residing on CiteULike since 2011, the Galaxy Publication Library has moved to Zotero. The library lists published articles, conference proceedings, theses, book chapters and books that use, extend, reference or implement Galaxy. You can search the library at Zotero, or through the unified Galaxy search (results are in the Corpus tab - but not yet - give Google a few days to catch up).
Publications are tagged with the same set of 17 tags we've been using for years. However, there are lots of other changes in tagging. First, those 17 tags now all start with "+" to distinguish them from the new server and content tags.
Highlighted Pubs
Two tags were added to highlight pubs that particularly focus on Galaxy.
Tag | Explanation |
+Galactic | Publication is about Galaxy. |
+Stellar | Publication features Galaxy prominently. |
Public Server Tags
Starting with the papers added this month (over 100 of them): Publications that mention or use a public Galaxy server or service are tagged with the server's name, preceded by a ">". For example, the >RepeatExplorer tag lists all papers that use or reference the RepeatExplorer public server.
Content / domain tags
Also starting with papers added this month, we are including tags provided by publishers about the publication's contents. These tags are not preceded with a "+" or ">" and they aren't rationalized in any way. They come straight from the publishers.
Want to help?
Finally, Zotero is a community platform. If you are interested in helping to catalog papers then please see the contributing page.
Thanks for using (and mentioning and referencing :-) Galaxy,