Galaxy Automated Testing

The Galaxy code base contains thousands of tests that include tests of different types (unit vs. functional vs. end-to-end; client vs. backend, etc.) that are supported by a variety of testing frameworks and libraries. In this tutorial, we will offer a small, yet representative sample of the types of tests you might write, as well as the concepts and issues you may need to be familiar with when writing tests for Galaxy code, whether as part of a new feature you are implementing, or as a standalone contribution to Galaxy’s testing code.



This is a hands-on training session and it is very important that attendees already have Galaxy installed on their laptops before the start of the session. Please follow the setup instructions in the tutorial before you arrive. We only have one hour and the initial setup and launch of Galaxy can easily take 20 minutes.

If you encounter problems setting up Galaxy please ping the instructors @John Davis or @Keith Suderman on the GCC Slack channel for assistance.

Meet the Instructors

John Davis

Johns Hopkins University

Keith Suderman

Johns Hopkins University