GCC2024 Sponsors

GCC sponsors are potential partners in everyone's success, plus they make GCC affordable and accessible.

Gold sponsors

JXTX Foundation

Silver sponsors

Workflow 4 MetabolomicsGalaxyWorks

Bronze sponsors


Our thank you to the sponsors

We make a strong effort to seamlessly integrate sponsors and their events into the broader GCC program, as well as promote participant engagement. Furthermore, sponsor talks are generally scheduled immediately preceding or following a keynote talk to maximize their attendance.

Benefits of GCC sponsorship

  • Engage with some of the most active members and advocates of Galaxy's worldwide community
  • Reach out to 100+ PIs, researchers, practitioners, and trainees in data intensive life sciences
  • Help inspire use of Galaxy in other data-intensive fields, with recent examples including climate modeling, ecology, and machine learning
  • Learn about opportunities for placing your services and products in the expanding Galaxy ecosystem
  • Give back to a popular and growing open source community