GCC2024 CollaborationFest (CoFest!)

CoFest is a community gathering by those interested in contributing to Galaxy's tool set, documentation, training materials, code base, and anywhere else that expands the Galaxy ecosystem.

CoFest participants will gather around shared interests and address common topics related to those interests. It is an informal, highly interactive meeting where you get to "hack" on a topic of choice - and you can do it with others that share similar interests.


The goals of CoFest are to expand the Galaxy contributor community and its ecosystem.

That's a short sentence, but it is very deliberately worded:

  • Our first goal is to expand the contributor community. This CoFest is first and foremost about welcoming new contributors and helping you learn the resources and meet the people that will help you contribute.
  • The second goal is to expand the Galaxy Ecosystem. Not just the code, but the whole ecosystem. That includes training, tools, best practice workflows, documentation, test cases, translations, infrastructure, and yes, even code.

This is a Collaboration Fest. Not a hackathon, not a code fest, but a CollaborationFest.

Project ideas

Welcome aboard! If you'd like to get involved early check out our live document of CoFest project ideas linked below. Feel free to add to this document or join someone else's project by adding your name to the Participants column.

A good project idea for the Cofest is preferrably a collaborative one or at the very least, one that would benefit from in-person planning, feedback and dicussion.

Note that this is not the exhaustive list of projects for the CoFest!

Share your ideas and get input from Working Group Leads.

Show up, share what you're curious to do (doesn't have to be a fully fledged project!), get input or support from the Galaxy Working Group leads (UI/UX, Backend, Systems, Tools & Workflows, Testing & Hardening, GOATS).

CoFest is all about collaboration and interaction. The best ideas and solutions come from open discussions and collective problem-solving.

Dates & location

CoFest will be held for the last 2 days of GCC2024: June 28 and 29.

CoFest will be held at OPEN GARDENS, an open space in the nature where folks can easily organize into smaller groups and find an area to work in.

OPEN GARDENS is located at Údolní 33, 602 00 Brno-střed.


To attend CoFest, we do ask that you register. This will help us find adequate space and ensure we have enough coffee and drinks.