Galaxy @ ISMB/ECCB 2021 & BOSC 2021
Galaxy has always had a significant presence at ISMB/ECCB and BOSC, and we expect to be there again in 2021. This page will lists all known Galaxy related events and presentations in 2021. If you have something that isn't listed, please add it below (or send it to [Galaxy Outreach](mailto:outreach AT galaxyproject DOT org)).
ISMB/ECCB 2021 runs 25-30 July. BOSC 2021 runs 29-30 July, and the BOSC CoFest is 31 July and August 1.
Key Dates
- 6 May: Abstract submission deadline for ISMB/ECCB and BOSC presentations and posters
- 13 May: ISMB/ECCB Technology Track submission Deadline
- 3 June: Late poster (and Late-Breaking Lightning Talk) submission deadline for BOSC
Note: all times are in UTC.
25 July, Sunday
Time | Topic | Presenter(s) | Where |
11:35 | Experiences from the Galaxy Training Network | Saskia Hiltemann | WEB (Workshop on Education for Bioinformatics) |
27 July, Tuesday
Time | Topic | Presenter(s) | Where | Links |
11:56 | Modeling the computing requirements and costs for genomics analysis in the cloud | Michael Schatz | Special Track: NIH/OD Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) | Slides |
12:00 | MaxQuant and MSstats in Galaxy enable reproducible quantitative proteomics in the cloud for everyone | Melanie Föll | CompMS COSI |
29 July, Thursday
Time | Topic | Presenter(s) | Where | Links |
All Day | BOSC 2021 | |||
15:20 | CropGalaxy: GWAS, Genomic selection beyond rice | Venice Margarette Juanillas | Poster Session E, BOSC Section | |
15:20 | Dockstore - 2021 update | Denis Yuen | Poster Session E, BOSC Section | |
15:20 | PDAUG: A Galaxy based toolset for the machine learning modeling, visualization and analysis of peptide libraries | Jayadev Joshi | Poster Session E, BOSC Section | |
15:20 | Rice SNP-seek database version 3.0 | Lord Hendrix Barboza | Poster Session E, BOSC Section | |
15:20 | Open Life Science to inspire culture change in Bioinformatics communities: a case study at Bezmialem University | Muhammet Celik | Poster Session E, BOSC Section | |
15:20 | WorkflowHub | Carole Goble | Poster Session E, BOSC Section |
30 July, Friday
Time | Topic | Presenter(s) | Where | Links |
All Day | BOSC 2021 |
31 July, Saturday
Time | Topic | Presenter(s) | Where | Links |
All Day | BOSC CoFest | Everyone |
1 August, Sunday
Time | Topic | Presenter(s) | Where | Links |
All Day | BOSC CoFest | Everyone |