June GCC2021 CoFest Prep Day
GCC Cofest prep is pre-empting the June Papercuts day
The 2021 Galaxy Community Conference is almost here, and that includes the CoFest on July 9-10. In June, the GCC2021 CoFest Organizers are seizing Paper Cuts Day to do planning for the CoFest. GCC2021 CoFest Prep Day will be a virtual, global, day-long event that starts in Australia and follows the sun for the next day. We will have community calls covering the globe.
The GCC2021 CoFest embraces all types of contribution including documentation, testing, tools, training material, infrastructure, and yes, even code. The CoFest is free.
Clusters are how we organize ourselves into smaller groups that are productive and approachable for new contributors. Clusters are created by the community, and you are invited to create new clusters and to join existing clusters.
Have an idea, or wondering what others have already proposed? Clusters can be added and expanded before, during and after the event (but sooner is better).
We know a cofest can be a bit intimidating for newcomers so this year we created a project specially suited for new people. If this is your first time at the CoFest and you are not sure about what you can work on, register your name under the CoFest Tour (aka CoFest 101) project in the proposals doc and we will make sure you get the most out of it.
- Give newcomers an idea what the CoFest will be like, and what some of the clusters will be working on.
- Propose, coalesce and refine clusters.
- Get to know each other and cluster leaders.
- Start forming projects and goals for clusters.
This will be a 24h event, spanning all time zones with our worldwide community. We'll start at 09:00 Melbourne time, and end at 16:00 Portland time.
Interested in CoFest Prep Day?
Slack, Gitter and Call Schedule
We will be on GCC2021 Slack #cofest channel (if you are registered for the CoFest) or Gitter (if you aren't) for chat all day long, and on 3 calls spread across the day. Please take advantage of both to communicate with your collaborators around the world.
Call 1: Oceania, Australia, Asia
- 14:00 Australia Eastern time. See your time.
- Zoom Link
Call 2: Middle East, Europe, Africa
- 10:00 Central European Summer time. See your time.
- Zoom Link
Call 3: Americas
- 12:00 US Eastern time. See your time.
- Zoom Link