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UseGalaxy.eu update to 18.05 and GDPR

We've updated our Galaxy server to version 18.05. Additionally we have enabled the beta_gdpr_mode that the Freiburg Galaxy Team implemented in Galaxy.

Galaxy Upgrade

We had planned an all day maintenance but only needed a tiny bit of that time. Galaxy was down from 10:30 CEST to 12:45 CEST when we finished the upgrade.

For a full list of the awesome new features please see the release notes

A few highlights (in no particual order)!

  • You can now upload files >2GB through the Galaxy interface. You no longer need to use FTP to upload large files.
  • There is a new, powerful, rule-based data uploader. This will make it significantly easier for you to create complex collections that better represent your data.

    To learn how to use the new uploader you can try a tutorial for the new uploader on the Training Materials site.

If you notice any issues, please do not hesitate to let us know


The new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect on May 25, 2018. Our UseGalaxy.eu service, and galaxy.uni-freiburg.de, and the other galaxy servers we provide are all compliant with GDPR.

The Freiburg Galaxy Team implemented a GDPR compliance mode for all Galaxy server administrators to use. There were several changes that were required in order to meet compliance with the new EU regulations and generally improved the privacy of users.

We are only required to follow the law for EU users but we will be following the law for all of our users as user privacy is important to UseGalaxy.eu You can find out more information about our service, the terms of service, how we protect our data and who has access to specific pieces of data on our new ToS and GDPR Documentation page.